Graduation is only three weeks away and the end of the school year is four weeks away. As we head into the final stretch of the school year, here are a few things you need to know.
NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY- Please remember that there is no school this Friday, April 29th.
Important Dates- Here are a few upcoming events. Dash and Dodge will be on Thursday, April 28th. All proceeds from this fundraising event will go towards furnishing our new STEM building. If you would like to donate to this effort, please contact me at the school office. Showings of Our Spring Play will be on Friday, April 29th and Saturday, April 30th. You can purchase tickets by calling the Clayton Center at 865-981-8590.
Graduation will be on Saturday, May 14. Parent/Board Meeting- Our annual parent board meeting will be on Thursday, May 12. We will be reviewing this school year, looking forward to next school year, and revealing our STEM building. If you plan to attend, please complete the registration form HERE.
New Website- If you are reading this, you are probably on our new website. Take a few minutes and click around.
Employment Opportunities- Open positions at MCS are posted on our website. Check the employment page regularly to view updated list of opportunities or to learn how to apply.