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  • Writer's pictureDr. Jeremy Wallace

MCS Update | Nov 10

1- No School on Veterans Day- In observance of Veterans Day, MCS will be closed tomorrow, Friday, November 11.

2- Spirit Night at Culvers- We will have our second spirit night of the year on Tuesday, November 15 between 5 pm & 7 pm at Culvers in Alcoa. MCS will receive a percentage of all sales between 5 & 7. Wear your MCS gear, hangout with other MCS families, and help support your school.

3- Weather-Related Delays and Closures- As we head into the time of year when inclement weather is a possibility, we want to provide some information on how decisions are made to close or delay school. Please keep the following in mind.

- We do not necessarily follow the city or county schools’ decisions.

- Due to our high number of student drivers, we err on the side of caution.

- We try to make decisions by 8:00 pm for the next day.

- We post decisions to close or delay on social media & TV news outlets (MCS will be listed by name). We also will send out a text and email alert.

4- Pursuing Student Health- As we enter into cold and flu season, here are a few important reminders from our clinic.

- Students must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.

- Students who are not feeling well during the school day are not allowed to text their parents to be picked up. They must be dismissed through the clinic.

- Students who are sent home by the clinic are not allowed to participate in extracurricular activities on that day.

5- Fall Play- The Upper School play is “The Ransom of Red Chief” and will be performed at the Clayton Center Flex theater on Saturday, November 12, at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $20 each and are available for purchase through the Clayton Center website.

6- Thanksgiving Break- MCS will be closed Monday, November 21 – Friday, November 25 for Thanksgiving Break.

7- Frozen, Jr. auditions for Lower School grades 3-6 are this coming Wednesday, November 16, from 3:30-5:00 in the music room. Mrs. Moreno will gather all the children from the dismissal hallway, take them to the music room, then walk them all back to the gym for dismissal.

For those students auditioning for Frozen, Jr., audition packets will be available outside Mrs. Moreno’s classroom beginning Monday morning. These packets will have all the information that both the students and the parents will need to know about the play itself and about the audition. The packets will need to come with the students for their audition on Wednesday.

8- Yearbook Orders- great news! 2022-23 Yearbook ordering has opened! There is Early Bird pricing for $50 available if you order before December 31st. Please use this link to order:

9- Homecoming- The 2022-2023 MCS Homecoming will be on Friday, December 16th. This event will include food trucks, men’s and women’s basketball games, and a homecoming court at halftime of the men’s game. If you know an MCS graduate, please let them know about this event. Games begin at 4:30.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out.

Have a great long weekend.


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