Important Dates:
Dec 11: 1st-5th grade Christmas Concert (6:30 PM at Dotson Memorial Baptist Church)
Dec 14-15: Early Dismissal Days for PK-12th Grade
Dec 15: PK-K Christmas Program (MCS Gym at 9:30 AM)
Dec 15: Homecoming Games and Festivities (starts at 6 PM)
Dec 18-Jan 2: NO SCHOOL for Christmas Break
January 3: Classes Resume
January 8: Baseball Fundraiser @ Blaze Pizza
January 12: ACSI Spelling Bee (1st-8th grades)
January 15: No School for MLK, Jr. Day
Early Dismissal Days: December 14th and 15th are both early dismissal days for PK-12th grade students; neither lunch nor aftercare will be available. The dismissal times are as follows:
PK-Kindergarten: 11:00 AM
1st-5th Grades: 11:30 AM
6th-12th Grades: 11:50 AM
Upper School Capstones: This week we will be wrapping up the fall semester with capstones on Thursday and Friday. Teachers have already communicated capstone expectations, rubrics, and due dates to students. Capstone grades are worth 20% of your student's final grade in each course. (Students may not complete capstones early in order to be absent on the actual capstone date.)
Homecoming Festivities: This Friday, December 15, will be MCS Homecoming. The festivities will include basketball games (6:00 & 7:30), alumni reception (between games), and High School Neon Night Dance (after games until 11:00 pm).
Upper School Student Schedules: Student schedules for the Spring Semester are available in the FACTS Family Portal (go to STUDENT then click on SCHEDULE).
2024-2025 Calendar: We have released our preliminary calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. You can view it HERE.
Sports Calendar: Our Winter sports are in full swing. Please view our ATHLETIC CALENDAR for a list of all athletic-related activities.