We are thankful to be back to our regular schedule after a crazy week of snow. As we wrap up January, we want to remind you about our re-enrollment process and communicate some changes in the billing dates for student fees that we think will help our families.
Continuous Enrollment: The Continuous Enrollment Fee of $225 is billed to FACTS accounts in March for all returning students. Payment of this fee holds the student’s place for the coming year. If your student(s) will not be returning for the 2024-2025 school year, please submit a Notification to Decline Enrollment Form to the Office Manager by April 1st for this fee to be waived.
Please note that no refunds will be provided for the Continuous Enrollment Fee after April 1st unless the following circumstances occur: relocation exceeding a distance of 50 miles from MCS or if disenrollment is at MCS's request.
Change in Student Fees Billing: Historically, all student fees were due on June 1st. For families also paying tuition in June or with multiple students, this could result in a hefty bill. This year, all student fees will be divided into three equal payments due in June, July, and August.
Finalized 2024-2025 Calendars: As we continue to grow, it has become increasingly difficult to include everything for the Lower School and the Upper School on one calendar. Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, we will have different lower school and upper school calendars. You can view the calendars by clicking each link below.
2024-2025 Tuition and Fees: We have finalized our tuition and fees for the 2024-2025 school year. While the regional school tuition increase averaged almost 7%, we worked hard to limit our increase to 5%. You can review the 2024-2025 Tuition and Fees schedule HERE.
Summer Kids Club: While MCS will still offer various week-long sports camps and a Fine Arts camp, we are discontinuing our daily summer childcare program.
Important Dates:
February 16: NO SCHOOL for Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 19: NO SCHOOL for Presidents' Day
February 29: PK-K Preview Day
March 8: PK-12th Grade Abbreviated Day
March 11-15: NO SCHOOL for Spring Break
March 23: Dad and Daughter Tea
Dad and Daughter Tea: Registration for this year's Dad and Daughter Tea is now open. This year's tea will be on Saturday, March 23, at First Baptist Church Maryville. Registration and payment are due by Friday, February 9th. All students can register at this link. If you are interested in sponsoring a table or have any questions about the event or registration, please email danddtea@mcstn.org.
Sports Calendar: Our Winter sports are in full swing. Please view our ATHLETIC CALENDAR for a list of all athletic-related activities.