Thank you for a wonderful school year. We are thankful for the opportunity we have had over the past school year to partner with you. We pray you have a wonderful summer break.
We will be sending updates throughout the summer about back-to-school dates, campus projects, and other MCS-related news.
Summer Office Hours: Starting next week, our office hours will be Tuesday-Thursday, 9:00-3:00.
Open Positions at MCS: MCS is looking to fill several positions. Please review our Employment Page for more information.
Senior Missions Trip: Our graduates leave for Guatemala this Saturday for their mission trip. Please pray for their safety and an impactful week of ministry.
Chromebook Return: All student Chromebooks should have been turned in. If your student still has his or her device, please drop it off at the school office as soon as possible. Report cards will not be released, until they are returned.
"Way-too-Early" Important Dates:
Aug 2nd: PK-2nd Grade Back-to-School Bash (5 PM)
Aug 2nd: 3rd-5th Grade Back-to-School Bash (7 PM)
Aug 5th: 6th-8th Grade Back-to-School Bash (5 PM)
Aug 5th: 9th-12th Grade Back-to-School Bash (7 PM)
Aug 6th: First Day of Classes for Pk-5th Grades
Aug 8th: First Day of Classes for 6th-12th Grades