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Writer's pictureDr. Jeremy Wallace

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders

Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate our new drop-off and pick-up routines. Please pay attention to the following reminders, as they are the key to speeding up the process.


1- Lower school drop off is from 7:30-8:00 (class begins at 8:00). Upper school drop-off is from 7:45-8:15 (class begins at 8:15).

2- Please remain in your vehicles and allow the faculty and staff to open the vehicle door for your student(s).

3- Parents should no longer walk students into the building. Please use the drop-off line.

4- While anyone may use the inside lane (closest to the gym doors), preschool parents should be sure to use this lane for drop-off.


1- Lower school pick-up is from 3:00-3:25. Upper school pick-up is from 3:25-3:45. (Since the upper school dismissal bell does not ring until 3:25, pick-up will not realistically begin until 3:30.)

2- In years past, upper school parents have been allowed to arrive early and park on the outside lane. Due to our lower school doubling in size, we do not have the room to do this. Upper school parents should not arrive at MCS until 3:25. Arriving early slows down both lower school and upper school dismissals.

3- While anyone may use the inside lane (closest to the gym doors), preschool parents should be sure to use this lane for pick-up.

Please remember that it takes our faculty and staff a couple of weeks to familiarize themselves with your vehicle. While we are striving to improve the speed of our drop-off and pick-up, safety is our top priority.


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