We are a little over a week away from the official start of the school year. Faculty and staff return next week to make final preparations, participate in professional development, and ensure everything is ready for your student(s). We can't wait!
As we prepare for the school year, here is some important information. Some of it is a repeat from last week and some if it is new.
Back-to-School Items
Back-to-School Bash: As you know we have grown, and as a result, we have completely reworked the bash format to better give you the information you need. There will be time to eat at food trucks, an opportunity to visit multiple information tables, and time to visit your student's classroom and hear from his/her teacher (PK-5th) or visit lockers and walk through his/her schedule (6th-12th). The goal is for you to receive all the information you need and want.
Please note the date and times of each back-to-school bash. This is where you will receive all the information for the school year. Please be there!
At the bash, you will receive a punch card that will be marked by someone at each information table you visit. Once completed and submitted, you will be entered to win a $100 gas card at the conclusion of your bash. Please note the schedule of each bash.
Aug 2nd: PK-2nd Grades (5 PM)
5:00-6:00: Food Trucks | Yard Games | Information Tables
6:00-6:30: Classroom Presentations
6:30: Gift Card Drawing
Aug 2nd: 3rd-5th Grades (7 PM)
7:00-8:00: Food Trucks | Yard Games | Information Tables
8:00-8:30: Classroom Presentations
8:30: Gift Card Drawing
Aug 5th: 6th-8th Grades (5 PM)
5:00-6:00: Food Trucks | Yard Games | Information Tables
6:00-6:30: Visit Lockers and Classrooms
6:30: Gift Card Drawing
Aug 5th: 9th-12th Grades (7 PM)
7:00-8:00: Food Trucks | Yard Games | Information Tables
8:00-8:30: Visit Lockers and Classrooms
8:30: Gift Card Drawing
First Day of School:
PK-5th Grades: Aug 6th (full day)
6th-12th Grades: Aug 8th (full day)
Daily Drop-Off and Pick-Up Schedule: Below are the times for drop-off and pick-up for each grade.
Drop-Off Times Pick-Up Times
PK-Kindergarten 7:30-8:00 AM 2:30 PM
1st-5th Grades 7:30-8:00 AM 3:00 PM
6th-12th Grades 7:45-8:15 AM 3:25 PM
The parking lot and driveway project is ongoing. We will let you know if it will impact traffic flow.
Extended Care: Extended Care is available for students in PK-8th grade from 3:30 to 5:30. Program and pricing information is available on the school website. If you plan to have your student attend Extended Care, please complete the Extended Care contract before school begins. Click HERE for more information. Click HERE to view the application.
Lunches: Lunch will not be provided the first week of school (drinks will be available). This means that every student will need to bring a sack lunch.
Student Medication: If your student will need to be administered prescription medication at school, we are required to have a Prescription Medication Authorization on file, signed by a doctor. Most doctor's offices have a 1-2 week turnaround time for these forms, so it is recommended that you begin that process now. Any medication should be brought to a nurse in its original packaging, accompanied by this form. The form can be found in Family Portal under Resource Documents.
Policy Changes & New Class
Smart Watches: Smart watches will be treated the same as cell phones and will not be allowed in the classroom, at lunch, or at chapel. They must be kept in the student's backpack or locker.
Vaping Policy: While this is rarely an issue for us, we have clarified our policy on vaping. Across the country, there are more student hospitalizaions and deaths caused by vaping than anything else. As a result, MCS has a zero-tolerance policy regarding vaping. Vaping is grounds for immediate dismissal.
Study Skills Course: Based on feedback we received from our stakeholder surveys, we have instituted a study skills course that all 7th-12th grade students will take one day a week. The class will include information on how to study independently, how to take notes, how to organize papers, setting goals, and strategies for test-taking.
General Items
Driveway Paving: We still need to raise quite a bit of money over the next couple of weeks to help cover some of the cost of this project. To those who have already given, thank you for your generosity. To those who are wanting to donate, you can do so HERE.
"Thank You" to Mrs. White: We want to say a big thank you to Kandice White, who has been our Guidance Counselor over the past couple of years. She has decided to return to the public school system. She will be missed at MCS. Mrs. Sue Orr will be our PK-12th grade School Counselor. All academic advising will be taken care of by Mrs. Wallace and Mr. Haynes. If you have questions about this year's schedule, please reach out to Mrs. Wallace.