1- Night of Worship: You are invited to join the Maryville Christian School upper school choir this evening, November 4, for a Night of Worship at Partnership Christian Church. You can start your evening off with a wonderful dinner hosted by REO Cheesewagon, then make your way to the auditorium for an evening of some of our favorite worship songs. The evening will feature solos, duets, and choral pieces. You do not want to miss out on hearing these talented students leading us in song!
The concert will begin at 7:00.
2- Grandparents’ Day/Veterans Day: Thursday, November 10th, will be a day to celebrate our grandparents. Due to the high number of students, grandparents will not be able to visit classrooms, but we will have breakfast finger foods and a short Veterans Day-themed program starting at 9:00 am. Doors to the gym will open at 8:30 am.
In observance of Veterans Day, there will be no school on Friday, November 11th.
3- Tailgate and Purple/White Game- We will kick off the 2022-2023 basketball season on Thursday, November 10th with our annual tailgate and Purple/White Game. The tailgate will be from 5-7pm. The Purple/White game will be from 7-9 and will feature both the girls' and boys' teams.
4- Fall Play: The Fall Middle and High School play is “The Ransom of Red Chief” and will be performed at the Clayton Center Flex theater on Saturday, November 12, 7:00 pm. Tickets will be $20 each and will be available for purchase through the Clayton Center website beginning Monday, October 31.
5- Homecoming: The 2022-2023 MCS Homecoming will be on Friday, December 16th. This event will include food trucks, men’s and women’s basketball games, and a homecoming court at halftime of the men’s game.
6- School Pictures- Fall school portrait proofs came home this past week. You may order online using the instructions on the form OR return the order form with payment to the school by November 7th.
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out.
Have a great weekend.