MCS Network/Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Maryville Christian School provides students, staff and visitors with internet access for the purposes of promoting educational excellence. With the diversity of resources available, this presents a wealth of opportunities for students to excel.
Acceptable Behavior
Access to the internet and school resources is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked for inappropriate or unauthorized use as determined by administration. Students are always expected to reflect the Christ-like behavior and the principles of Maryville Christian School. Students must first ask permission to use their Chromebook in the classroom and it is only to be used for educational purposes. Below is a list of some possible, appropriate actions students may conduct while utilizing MCS technology:
Use devices under teacher supervision only. Screens must always be visible.
Use Google Mail ( to communicate with teachers for classwork.
Use FACTS & Google Classroom to keep up with homework assignments, projects, and upcoming tests.
Use appropriate websites and search engines for research projects.
Use teacher-approved websites and apps for class-related activities.
Use the MCS Library online catalog to find books and eBooks.
Prohibited Behavior
Unless specifically authorized, students are prohibited from carrying out any of the following actions whether or not they are using an MCS device or network. Students are expected to act responsibly and with Christ-like behavior at all times, including with technology.
Use of the internet without teacher permission.
Trying to hide your screen from teacher supervision.
Allowing another person to use an assigned account or device.
Accessing someone else’s account, email, files, or other resources.
Accessing and showing inappropriate content to other students and/or not notifying a staff member, if inappropriate content appears.
Looking at another student’s computer screen when completing an online test or assignment.
Use of technology to plagiarize any information.
Use of technology for non-school related communications.
Use of online streaming media (music & video).
Use of technology for instant messaging (online real-time conversations).
Use of technology to access obscene or pornographic material.
Use of technology to transmit material likely to be offensive or objectionable to recipients.
Use of technology to participate in inappropriate and/or objectionable discussions or newsgroups.
Use of technology to disseminate hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks, or other antisocial communication.
The illegal installation, distribution, reproduction, or use of copyrighted software on school computers.
Use of technology to intentionally obtain or modify files, passwords, or data belonging to any other users.
Use of technology to misrepresent other users on the network.
Use of technology for fraudulent copying, communications, or modification of materials in violation of local, state, and federal laws.
Loading, downloading, or use of unauthorized games, programs, files, or other electronic media, including peer-to-peer applications used to download songs, movies, or software illegally.
Development or distribution of programs that harass other users, infiltrate a computer system, and/or damage the software or components of a computer system.
Destruction or theft of school hardware or software.
Use of technology to facilitate any illegal activity.
Use of technology for commercial or for-profit purposes.
Use of technology for product advertisement or political lobbying.
Use of software, hardware, or proxy sites to intentionally bypass the school’s settings and filters.
In order to enforce the above guidelines, the MCS Technology Department utilizes a variety of services to monitor and manage network and Internet traffic. There should be no expectation of privacy for activities conducted on school-owned computers, the school network, or school-provided services; any and all use of these resources may be recorded and/or reviewed by staff. However, even the most robust set of rules, restrictions, and management tools is not perfect. There is no device, filter, or service that can 100% protect and prevent harmful material from across the screen infecting or infiltrating our devices or preventing someone from doing something that is inappropriate or unlawful. That is why it takes cooperation from all parties (students, staff, and parents) to act accordingly. All students are responsible for contacting teachers immediately if they discover or are aware of inappropriate sites or inappropriate/unauthorized use.
Violation of the above is subject to disciplinary action by administration, which may include the loss of network/internet access, loss of device, loss of access to Google account, or the suspension and/or dismissal of all parties involved.